Great Techologies that failed!

1)X was originally developed by Apple and AOL. It included bulletin boards, support services, chat rooms, and even, eventually, a Web browser—powerful stuff for 1994.But Apple's then-CEO Michael Spindler decided not to market or advertise it, and charged high prices.
Hence this promising service failed. Identify this technology?

2)X was a joint project between IBM and Microsoft, was very advanced(for that time).It was intended to be a multitasking, object-oriented replacement to the world of Windows. But Microsoft abandoned the project to IBM, and turned back to its own OS.It turned lucky for Microsoft and today we have Windows !
Id this project?


4)X was a WYSIWYG word processor application released along with the first Apple Macintosh systems in 1984. Together with MacPaint, it was one of the two original "killer applications" that propelled the adoption and popularity of the GUI.Identify  X ?

MacpaintWP.png     Macintosh 128k transparency.png

6)X was codenamed Peanut.It was manufactured by IBM.Time called its debut "D-Day for the Home Computer"; observers predicted sales of one million or more in 1984.Time after its release "looked like one of the biggest flops in the history of computing" :P
Id this product?

7) X was never launched.Why,nobody knows.But if it would have been launched then it would have brought a drastic change. X was a style-based device similar to previous Tablet PCs.makings of a stellar tablet: the Nvidia Tegra processor, lightweight (less than a kilogram), and running Windows CE 6.  It was billed as a digital journal.  Id X .


PS-Theme quizzes are based on my opinion.The gadgets which I think are great mayn't be great in your opinion.So,don't argue with me afterwards :P


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